Your Name*
Your email*
Producer’s business name / Trade Name*
Producer’s State Requirements license number*
Business/trade name of business that packaged the product, if different than the producer
UID number*
Batch ID*
Harvest date*
Strain name*
Strain Type IndicaSativaHybrid
Concentration of THC and CBD (%)*
Name of lab that performed any test*
All test analysis dates*
Product Identity*
Net weight in grams and ounces*
For prerolls only: weight of usable marijuana in grams
THC and/or CBD amount per serving in mg*
Label ID*
Quantity of labels requested*
Additional information – notes , terps ect..
Strain Name*
Net weight (g / oz.) or number of seeds*
Processor’s business / trade name*
Processor’s State Requirements license number*
Business/trade name of business that packaged the product, if different than the processor
Place of Address for Processor and Packager*
Date product was made*
Amount, in milligrams, of THC in each serving*
Amount, in milligrams, of CBD in each serving*
Amount, in milligrams, of THC in the entire container*
Amount, in milligrams, of CBD in the entire container*
List of all ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight or volume*
test analysis dates*
Product Identity with “extract” or “concentrate”*
Net weight (g and oz) or volume (fl oz and mL)*
Amount suggested for use by consumer at any one time*
Concentration of THC in container (%)*
Concentration of CBD in container (%)*
List of ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight or volume*
Serving size per container*
Number of servings per container*
List of all ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight or volume* (formatted correctly using one of the templates)
List of potential major food allergens, if appropriate*
Amount of calories, sodium, protein, added sugars, cholesterol, total carbohydrates, and total fat per serving*
If perishable, a statement that edible must be refrigerated/frozen*
Activation Time*
Name of lab that performed any test* All test analysis dates*
Serving size*
% of THC in the entire container*
% of CBD in the entire container*